Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Beautiful Lawn After a Long Winter

If your lawn is struggling to make a comeback after our long, cold, snowy winter, here are some things you can do to make it beautiful again (or for the first time)!

  1. All the snow often causes snow mold in lawns. First thing to do is rake the dead grass up from the lawn using a fine tooth rake.
  2. Next use a lawn fungicide and broadcast it over the lawn to kill the snow mold. If there are any brown or gray spots, give them more fungicide.
  3. Lawns should be aerated in the fall and spring, but if you just do it once a year it’s more important to do it in the spring.
  4. A good fertilizer for lawns is ammonium sulfate with the analysis (the analysis is the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or N-P-K) 20-0-0. A couple of other common analyses are 32-3-8 and 26-3-4. It doesn't really matter what the exact analysis of the fertilizer is as long as it's high in N and low in P and K. You want to start fertilizing now! Feed your lawn about once a month, or whenever it's starting to look like it could use it, but no more than once a month to prevent fertilizer burn.
  5. If you have a large lawn and/or lots of weeds you may want to use an herbicide and spreader sticker a few times a year. If you want to do this you can use 2,4-D mixed with a spreader sticker. Be very careful of any flower beds though. I prefer the old fashioned way of just weeding, but again, it depends on the size or your lawn and how many weeds you have.

Hopefully this will get your lawn off to a good start this spring! If you have any questions or need help please email at gardengoddesses@hotmail.com, leave a comment, or call 801-885-3178 to set up a free consultation or appointment!

Lara Cummings
Garden Goddesses
Life is a Garden. Grow a good one.


  1. Hey Lara! I'm looking forward to reading your insights as we begin our summer of the lawn and garden! As you can tell, we've only worked on the inside of our house since we've lived here. I posted a link on my blog too so hopefully you get a good following soon!!!

  2. hi lara! yay.... i too look forward to your posts.
